Doctoral Consortium

Doctoral Consortium


       The goal of the Doctoral Consortium is to create an opportunity for Ph.D. students to test their research ideas, present their current progress and future plans, and receive constructive criticism and insights related to their future work and career perspectives. A mentor (a senior researcher who is active in the field) will be assigned to each student to provide individual feedback. In addition, students will have the opportunity to present an overview of their research plan during a special poster session. Participation in the ESCI 2021 Doctoral Consortium will be limited to a maximum number of students (about 40). Prospective participants are encouraged to submit their application by March 2, 2021 (submission procedure detailed follows). The Doctoral Consortium Chairs will then review all applications received. Preference will be given to students who are at a stage in their studies most likely to benefit (i.e., they have identified a research direction and published some initial results, but the thesis is not yet set in stone). There will be a nominal registration fees of Rs. 500/- for participating students. The ESCI 2021 Doctoral Consortium will take place the second day of the main conference, i.e., 6th March 2021.

The Doctoral Consortium Chairs will review all applications received, and will organize the assignment of mentors with expertise in the PhD research topic of the student. To assist the assignment process, mentors indicate their field of expertise and may place bidding for a specific student.


Students willing to participate in the ESCI 2021 Doctoral Consortium are kindly requested to email the following items to

·         Name and Affiliation

·         Title

·         Abstract, i.e., short description of their PhD research

·         Submission package (as a single PDF file; for more details see below)

The submission package should contain the following information:

·         Student’s name

·         Supervisor of the thesis

·         University

·         Starting date of the PhD

·         Expected finalization date of the PhD

·         Short research plan (1 page)

·         Short CV (1 page)

The research plan should contain an overview of the PhD topic, the steps made so far (including a list of publications), and the actions planned before finishing the PhD, especially novel research ideas to be pursued.


·         Submission deadline for students: March 2, 2021

·         Acceptance notification: March 3, 2021

·         Final material due: March 5, 2021


·         Doctoral Consortium event: March 6, 2021

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